오늘의 이슈
WpMBpbHY7423.08.06 21:55

Is this the only level of citizens in Korea?? I read the comments because my Korean friend sent me some articles. I was so surprised that I was speechless. This is how you treat people with disabilities?? This is way off the mark. How can you equate the fault of a special teacher with that of an autistic child?? Experts advocating this should be ashamed. I wish the family full of blessings that are currently struggling. It is recommended to leave Korea and immigrate to another country with good welfare for the disabled. Korea is wrong

이말년, 방송중단 선언 "정신 오락가락"→주호민 사태 후 또 "그만하고 싶다"[Oh!쎈 이슈] : 네이트 연예
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